I introduced my eldest to Diablo 3 awhile back, and we played on the PS4 a couple of times, but ever since the baby figured out how to walk and get into EVERYTHING, it’s really hard to find time to play together. But he’s been insistent, and when the little one went down for a nap, I loaded the game up for us. However, I decided to play the PS3 version so he could help me with that extra 10% of gold drops to earn that final trophy. I’m not letting this go, I will get this Platinum and I will get it this year, so help me God.
I created a new character for him, a monk (because he’s like a ninja) that he immediately named “Dino Hunter.” I pulled in my Paragon 7 Demon Hunter to help out. I figured the kiddo wouldn’t understand that you don’t rush into every fight, and he needs a ranged fighter to help him out. I lowered the mode to Normal and the difficulty to Easy. Holy cow was I overpowered. In fact, I was so overpowered, overpowered may be an understatement.
I killed the Skeleton King in one shot. One. Shot. I did nothing but use my basic attack. Never pressed any other buttons unless I was dropping useless armor I accidentally picked up. My armor BROKE and I never died once. I wasn’t even aware that could happen. You know those fat enemies that explode with snakes or minions when you kill them? I killed them so hard, none of them exploded.
He had fun. I had fun. We laughed at how easy it was for me to kill everything. I let him pick up all of the armor, and then I’d have to explain why he has to sell it or recycle it and he can’t hoard it all. He was pretty excited about recycling, though, which turned into a lecture (him to me) on why recycling was important.
We only made it to the Skeleton King before he was too bored to go on. He’s six; his attention span can only go so long before he needs something else. Of course, then the baby woke up, so it was good timing. I promised him we’d play more together soon.
Perhaps he will be the one to help me get this last trophy. Yes…yes, I like this plan.