To be blunt, unlike the Leviathan DLC and even the Omega DLC, the story behind the Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC is awful. Absolutely awful. When I learned who is trying to kill Shepard this time, I literally rolled my eyes. Thank God even the characters made fun of the story arc. And there, right there is why Citadel is a must-play for Mass Effect fans–it makes fun of everything Mass Effect.
I laughed all the way through the DLC, and it wasn’t just at the abysmal main plot. The dialogue between the characters is exceptional, and they make fun of everything you can imagine, from things Shepard says to the no love for the Mako to mini-games to the conversations characters had in elevators in the first game.
And the dialogue only gets sillier when you throw your party in your new apartment on the Citadel.
This was nothing but a love letter to all the fans who have loved the entire series, and as much as I normally don’t like these types of omake theater, I absolutely loved this. And as a side note, if your Wrex is still alive, take him with you everywhere. You will not want to miss anything he has to say.
I want to share some of my favorite snippets, but at the same time, it would spoil how great it is when your hear it for the first time. Trust me, you want it all fresh.
Citadel adds nothing to the overall story of ME3, but it’s so much fun, I can’t recommend it enough. This was a glorious send off for Shepard from BioWare, and it’s not one to be missed, even if you aren’t as huge of a Mass Effect fan as I am.
And yes, I will be replaying this DLC with my Shepard who has committed to Garrus. I MUST see those interactions.