It’s amazing to me how much I do know myself when it comes to games, yet I don’t listen to myself at all.
I’ve known since the beginning that Skyrim would need a good or fun story to keep me hooked, that all the sidequesting distractions in the world wouldn’t keep me entertained for too long. This is one reason why I haven’t touched Animal Crossing: New Leaf in over two weeks (I bet my roses are all dead). So far, the only interesting story I have encountered has been the Companions Faction sidequests, and I’ve completed it. All I have now are random side jobs for everyone. I’ve completed Act I of the story, and it’s been rather ho-hum so far. I am hoping it will get a little deeper as I delve into Act II, or maybe I’ll find another batch of sidequests to keep me entertained, but right now, all I feel is bored.
From talking to people who have absolutely loved the game, it sounds like what I’m finding to be completely monotonous is what everyone else likes. Everyone likes doing nothing but running around to discover new places, visit said places, find more fetch/kill-everything quests, complete those quests, and rinse and repeat. I’ve found that fun for a little while, but now I want something more. This is one reason why I’ve never gotten into an MMO.
So I’m wondering if it’s time to just crit-path the game, complete the story, and then come back to it every once in awhile for the exploration and sidequesting, like how many people treat MMOs to begin with. I’m also a little bummed that I chose to end my summer stack of shame with this game, when I probably could have finished 2-3 other games in this same amount of time. Live and learn, I guess. Or live and friggin’ listen to yourself about what you like and stop falling prey to what everyone else has liked.
Maybe I should have finished Dragon Age: Origins after all.