I really don’t know what else to say about inFAMOUS Second Son that I haven’t bored you all with already. Right after I finished playing, I started a new playthrough for Evil Karma, and I’m still clearing out each district to 100% once again because the gameplay is just THAT fun.
So I’ll let my words from Action Trip do the talking.
The blast shards are not the only inFAMOUS staple that gets shoehorned into Second Son. One of the good karmic activities that Delsin can perform is the ability to heal random civilians. In inFAMOUS, this made sense, because 1) there was a plague going on and 2) the healing ability was suggested to Cole since he was virtually a walking defibrillator. How does zapping someone with smoke or any of Delsin’s other powers lead to healing?
The dead drop recordings have also returned to Second Son, but they feel just as forced as the healing of civilians. Before, the dead drops told the game’s backstory and provided a little more insight, and these do that a little bit, but the information isn’t as instrumental to the overall story as the dead drops have been in the past.
All of that said, the gameplay is so much fun, I really didn’t care about these issues or the fact that the NPCs rarely stop drinking their coffee when a war between Conduits erupts in the middle of a patio cafe. Is it annoying and yet humorous that I can literally run over NPCs while running and have them apologize to me each and every time? Completely. Is the spray paint art mini-game involving motion controls ridiculous? Very. But, I’m too busy enjoying finding every collectible, completing every side quest in each district, and running amok with Delsin’s powers to really care. I have always found joy in running around in the world of inFAMOUS almost more than the story itself, so all of these issues for the most part have bounced right off me.
If you have a PS4, I cannot recommend inFAMOUS Second Son enough, although it is a bit hard to recommend to anyone who hasn’t played at least one of them. The world is just a ton of fun, and I’m honestly contemplating going for a Platinum trophy in it. Thus far, only LEGO games have gotten that much attention from me.