I was lucky enough to receive a screener copy of Video Games: the Movie before it goes on sale on iTunes tomorrow, and I was really impressed with how deep the documentary delved with the video game industry. I’ve seen a few other video game documentaries, one was a week-long mini-series put on by the History Channel (I think it was that channel), but none went beyond just looking at the history behind the industry.
Of course Video Games: the Movie thoroughly explores the history of video games, but it also went into the current culture of gaming, how that culture developed, the phenomenon of e-sports, and where gaming is going in the future.
I reviewed it for Action Trip, and here’s a little snippet of my thoughts from there:
I’ve seen a couple of other documentaries on video games, and they all simply covered the history, which is interesting enough, but I was pleased that this one explored other areas that will appeal to gamers. For example, the film studied one of the more popular arguments amongst critics right now, and that’s whether video games can be considered art. They also examined the argument that video games cause violence–to which Tommy Tallarico of Video Games Live gave the best quote of the entire movie: “Hitler didn’t play Crash Bandicoot.”
I personally can’t recommend checking out this documentary enough when it becomes available. I may torture my documentary-loving parents with it the next time they are in town.