For those wondering, I did get past the mission in inFamous that was giving me fits. (I love my gaming coach.) A few missions later, I’m in the underground tunnels looking for the substation to recharge, and I can’t figure out where to go. It’s unbelievably dark, deadly water is all around me, and I can’t see where to jump to. I open the guide. No help. No really, it had no help. It just said to continue jumping along the pipes and pathways, blah blah blah.
I was so mad at it. I told it—like it had ears and a brain and cared—that it was awful and no help when I really needed it. I couldn’t see where to jump to and I kept dying in that damn water.
And then I realized that I had myself turned around and was going the wrong way. If I could learn to read my radar, I could have easily seen the lighted-up path to my left.
Moron me.
I did apologize to the guide.