Well thanks to all of your answers last week, I now know that I’m not alone in the multi-game insanity. I’m both comforted and forced to wonder about how short our attention spans as gamers truly are.
As for this week’s poll, I know that I’m talking about Halo far more than I normally would. I’ve never played the games, so all I know about them is that they are sci-fi first-person shooters that suck up many college students’ nights on multiplayer. I was always told that the single-player campaigns are horrible, and multiplayer is where the good stuff is. Considering that I don’t play multiplayer anything and FPSes aren’t my style, you can see why I’ve never picked up a game.
But I cannot deny that the fanboyism and excitement for the final Halo game is rampant. It really reminds me of all the trailers and countdowns and hype for Final Fantasy XIII. Halo fans hated that back then, and we FFXIII are paying for it now. Those who love both franchises are just giddy all over. Lucky dogs.
So all this has led me to ask if my readers or Twitter followers are excited about the newest Halo game coming out on Tuesday. The responses won’t convince me to review the strategy guide, but it will satisfy my odd curiosity.