So wow, no love for Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood among most of you? You’re missing out. No really, you are, especially if you played Assassin’s Creed 2. ACB won’t appeal to those who did not, because, as one of my friends put it, ACB is really more AC2. It’s a continuation of the story, and there is no real tutorial on how to play except for on Ezio’s new tricks, which makes the combat ten times more manageable and fun than AC2.
As for the guide, I don’t want to jinx myself, but this could be the first guide written by Piggyback Interactive that doesn’t make me want to hurl it across the room in frustration. So far I have had zero issues and plenty of help, particularly when it comes to achieving 100% synchronization in those memories with the pesky timers. (Curious what 100% synchronization means? Well, I guess you’re going to have to play the game to find out!)
I’ve had a home alone weekend this past weekend, and I’ve used it to play quite a bit of ACB. I’m trying to do as much as I can now, because as of Wednesday, I won’t be able to play any of it for 4-5 days. We’re heading down to see my family for Thanksgiving this year, and my parents are not gamers in the slightest. They kind of think of games as pointless and a big waste of time. So, I won’t have a PS3 to borrow during naptime or late at night. I am going to try to get some gaming accomplished though in the form of handheld gaming. I’m going to back both my DS and PSP so I can play either Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light or Ys Seven, which I’m so close to finishing.
Are you going to be able to get your gaming fix at all over the Thanksgiving holiday? If so, what are you going to be able to play?