I finished TWO games on Saturday. It’s always big to me when I finish one game, but two in one day is unheard of in my history. Does it have something to do with the fact that both were fairly short games? Most likely.
I finished Dungeon Siege III during naptime, as all I had left was the final boss. Final clock time ran at 14 hours, and I earned the Completionist Achievement (for completing all sidequests). As the end sequences rolled, my disappointment at how short the game ran evaporated. Every little decision I made greatly affected the ending. So now do I not only want to replay the game as different characters to see their stories, but I’m also very curious to see all the possibilities for the endings. There was a huge hint that there would be a fourth DS game, and I’m curious if that will import one of your saves and choices a la Mass Effect, or if it will be a completely different story. I’ve never played any of the other DS games, so I have no real premise to fall back on as far as their history goes. I’ve been told that there is a DS movie, but I’ve also been told to stay far, far away from it. That always seems to be a good plan when it comes to video game movies.
Saturday night, I wrapped up Gears of War. I think my final clock tally was around 8 hours, and that was only because I died so much playing solo. I can’t imagine how quickly I could have finished it up if I played with a friend. I’m still on the fence with how I feel about it. The gameplay was generally fun, but I really need more of a story to action games than the eternal bromance this was. Awww, Marcus reconnected with his former commanding officer after he had the worst 36 hours of his life. Yeah, it’s not enough for me. However, this isn’t going to stop me from playing Gears 2. I had a lot more fun with that game and at least there I had an inkling as to what was going on.
So now I’m not sure how this has happened, but I’m pretty much caught up in terms of 2011 releases. All I have left is Ocarina of Time, and I don’t feel the pressure to get a move on that at all. I have two weeks before the next big guide review releases (Deus Ex), which isn’t enough time to really delve into other long games, especially since I’m hitting the beach this weekend. I suppose this means that I’ll play a lot of Gears 2 or whatever else I feel like at the time. This is such a weird sensation for me as I’ve had constant gaming deadlines since early 2010. I shall do my best to enjoy it.