The super nice people at asked me to check out their now-complete online strategy guide for Gears of War 3. If you’ve been reading my strategy guide reviews for this game at all, then you should know where I looked first: Act II, Chapter 3. That’s right; the first thing I wanted to know was if they offered any sort of guidance on the optional stealth portion of this Chapter, something that IGN’s strategy guide mentioned but never really wrote out. I was super pleased to see that not only did they mention the stealth portion, they also laid out a strategy for it. They also included a screenshot for where the COG tag is, the one you can only snag if you enter the stronghold stealthily. However, the video they included for this chapter was not for the stealth option, which greatly disappointed me. Yes, a video of entering not-so-quietly is more entertaining, but not as informative for those who need assistance in preventing those guards from sounding the alarm. But hey, at least a written strategy for this was laid out. Can’t ask for much more than that.
For those hunting down all of Epic Games’ hidden Easter Eggs throughout Gears, then be sure to stop by this site’s guide for Easter Eggs, because they have some that I haven’t seen elsewhere. A dancing wretch? A lambent chicken? I am all over trying to unlock these. Even if you don’t care to unlock them, watch the videos. They’re great for a chuckle.
The information in the campaign walkthroughs are solid, and if you’re interested in multiplayer, there are some great tips for surviving Horde Mode and saving your cash on the “tower defenses” for when you’ll need it. There is also a breakdown for how much each Locust costs in Beast Mode along with tips for when to deploy them. But what impressed me the most about this guide was its layout.
Everything is so easily accessible. Users can scroll at the top to find what section they’re looking for, from Campaign all the way through the Collectibles section (not shown here). When in each section, there’s another handy scroll bar so you can easily switch between what part you want. As shown above, from any page in the campaign walkthrough, I can click to any other Act. And then there’s a nifty drop-down menu with each Act so you can easily switch between Chapters. Honestly, this is the best design and layout mechanism I’ve ever seen for an online guide. I’ve never had something that lets me quickly find what I need without doing a lot of back-button clicking.
Fantastic for an online guide, GamerGuides. Gears of War 3 fans should be more than pleased with this free guide.