I’m well over halfway through the game and I know I really don’t have much else to do buuuuut arrrgh I’m getting so bored. Every mission feels the freaking same, and I could put up with that *coughcoughKingdomHeartscoughcough* if the story was halfway interesting.
This morning I was listening to the GamePro podcast and one of the guys there was talking about how bored he was with the game as well. I laughed the whole time because I felt exactly the same way he did about everything. It’s so addictive at first, but after fifteen hours, it gets tedious. Usually at this point you count on the story to get you through–seriously, it’s not like I kept up with Lost Odyssey because the turn-based gameplay was so riveting–but this one is just not doing it for me.
I blame all the great RPGs for doing this to me.
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