Recently, I reviewed a point-and-click adventure and an otome visual novel for PlayStation Lifestyle, both of which had relatively easy Platinums to obtain. For Code Realize: ~Bouquet of Rainbows~ this achievement was far easier than the other, simply because with visual novels, you often only have to replay on speed dial and get the various endings. The Raven Remastered was a bit more of a beating, because I was missing one little thing to get the last trophy I needed.
On thing I really liked about The Raven was that it lulled you into a false sense of predictability. The dialogue might have been weak and rather forced at times, the voice acting merely okay, and the controls were just annoying, but the story really brought it all together. Some of the puzzles were nearly Double Fine-ridiculous as well, especially in the beginning. As the game rolled on, the puzzles weren’t as convoluted, or maybe it was because the game had beaten their brand of puzzles into my head. What I was missing to get my beloved Platinum trophy was the Master Detective trophy for the third chapter. I got the Master Detective trophies with ease for the other chapters, so it boggled my mind how I didn’t get it for the third. What puzzles could I have missed? I played it twice more and still nothing.
I finally had to look it up, since this was a remaster older guides for the original exist. I was a bit livid with what I missed. Because I didn’t go back in one spot and tell someone I solved the puzzle, I didn’t get full credit for solving it. That is all it took. But hey, it’s done, right?
While I say Bouquet of Rainbows was easier to obtain, it took far longer. Getting each suitor’s “true ending” are various trophies. Some are easy to get. Others take some planning with dialogue responses. Sometimes what you think is the best response to getting max affinity from a character does the exact opposite. Save points at dialogue choice moments are crucial. At one point, I had three or four different save points regarding ONE suitor’s path. At least the game shows you which choices you already made. The problem is that some of those choices are correct, and others are not. For a couple of suitors, I had trouble figuring out what responses would make them happy.
At least a lot of the stories were super sweet, so I didn’t mind replaying certain portions. I didn’t love all of them, but I’ve treasured a few to the point I will actually load up the game to rewatch certain scenes. I am a sucker for love stories. I do the same with Odinsphere Leifthrasir as well.
Now that I have both of those games out of my system, I think the next platinum pursuit will come from a LEGO game…
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