Thanks to the miracle that is remote play, I finally finished Star Ocean: The Last Hope HD & 4K Remaster. It took some time to get used to the rear touchpad for the L2/R2 buttons, but once I did, things were rolling.
I can now say I have finished my very first Star Ocean game. This one was not very good. The only reason I finished it was because I had already invested so much time, I might as well see it through the end. I’m not so sure it was worth it. I unlocked all of the endings except for two, and I don’t care enough to try to unlock them. It had a good message, but I’ve played a game very similar to this and it was called Mass Effect. Earthlings going to the stars, befriending aliens, and saving the universe from an ancient power that wants to reboot it? All that was missing was romance options. Not to mention, the writers had to suddenly explain why Earth had all this technology in SD 12, yet they just now have this tech three hundred years later in the first Star Ocean game. Honestly, the reason why was lame and so is the fact that they didn’t have this tech for centuries after leaving Earth. Seriously, no one wondered in the first couple of generations how they left Earth? I suppose if the story of their origin was not passed down through the generations, they wouldn’t have a clue where they came from. The only way I suppose I could find out would be to either read the plot summary on Wikipedia, play the PSP game (which means I need to replace my PSP battery), or wait for another remaster. Square Enix likes their remasters, so it’s possible.
Pokemon Pearl should be the second completed game of 2018. I just cleared Victory Road, so there is just the Elite Four and the Champion left. I’m not sure if my team is powered up enough, but I’ll try at where they are. Worst case, I have to do them all over again, but I get to keep all the experience earned, so that’s a better grind than going back into Victory Road. I can’t take any more Golbats.
So what’s next? On the PS4, I promised a friend I would finish Dragon Age Inquisition. It’s a bit ridiculous that it’s taken me this long to sit down and finish it, when just a couple of years ago, I burned through Dragon Age: Origins Awakening and Dragon Age 2 plus its DLC in a matter of weeks. As for my handheld, I’m not getting the next Pokemon game. Instead, I’ll finish one of my Legend of Zelda games, most likely A Link to the Past first. I’ve gotten addicted to these randomizer runs, and that urge to finish ALTTP is back. I’m only three crystals away from Ganon’s Tower. I can do this. Right?
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