Most nights before heading off to bed, I play on my 3DS. The 3DS game over the last month has been Pokemon Silver, and I finally reached Victory Road to the Pokemon League. Victory Road is TOUGH, and I had a super-low level Horsea and Dratini I wanted to grind up and evolve. It didn’t take long to realize I could only level one at a time, and Dratini won the vote. I swapped Horsea out for Slowbro. Even though Slowbro wasn’t at level 40 like the rest of my team was, I knew he could hang better than poor little Horsea.
I made really slow progress through Victory Road. If the trainers didn’t get me, the over-powered wild Pokemon certainly did. I was nearly out of hyperpotions and revives by the time I reached the Pokemon League main building. I replenished my stock, rested up, and then saved the game. I thought why not try out the Elite Four and if I fail, I’ll go grind some more. Yeah, I never expected to breeze through the Elite Four and defeat the Champion in one sitting.
Things did get rough with the Champion thanks to his ridiculous three Dragonites, but I managed to knock each one off, even at ten levels below two of them. When the credits rolled, I stared at my 3DS in disbelief. Did I really finish that game? Sure my game time was over 30 hours, mostly due to backtracking a lot for dat grind. But did I really just blow through the Elite Four with four Pokemon at level 41, one at level 37, and one at level 33? (That last one was my Dragonair.) They should have mopped up the floor with me. Either I just had the right counter Pokemon for each trainer and a good strategy, or I lucked out big time. To be honest, I’ll take either.
In going through the Pokemon timeline, the next game up for me is Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire. I don’t own the game as of yet, but since it’s so close to Christmas, I’m holding off on buying it. Besides, I have this lovely Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth to play instead. I’ve missed solving murder mysteries by completely not following the real law and criminal procedure.
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