I honestly never thought Final Fantasy XV would release in 2016, but Square Enix has proven me wrong once again. It’s out on store shelves, and so is its strategy guide by Piggyback. I haven’t had a Piggyback strategy guide in what seems like eons. My initial experiences with their guides was rather rough, but they have improved so much over the years, so I am delighted they have taken the helm for FFXV. I’m even more delighted that I’ve already had the game for a couple of days, because I have questions regarding what the strategy guide covers and how it covers them.
This isn’t a full review of the Final Fantasy XV Collector’s Edition strategy guide, but I do look into some answers for the questions I already have. All I have left to do now, other than cuddle with this beautiful book, is see just how well these strategies work, how efficiently the book is presented, and all that other jazz I get obsessed with.
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