I’ve known that Prima Games was going to publish a new strategy guide for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that would include the two expansion packs for awhile now. That said, it didn’t hit me that I could add a second Witcher 3 strategy guide to my bookshelf until I received the official newsletter from the publisher last week. Then it dawned on me; wait, I could finally have that motivation to play AND finish The Witcher 3, ja?
Of course I said the same thing about the Skyrim Legendary Edition of the strategy guide. Whoa, here’s an even FATTER book with everything Skyrim has to offer! Surely now I’ll get through the game, right?
Well, I got further, I can say that. And then I remembered why I stopped playing the first time around. The game is just not for me. Too little story and too many distractions. I need an even balance. Well, okay, that’s not true; I need a story as good as the quantity of distractions. If I wanted to run around with no true goal, I’d play No Man’s Sky or Elite: Dangerous. Yeah, I went there.
Technically, The Witcher 3 should be a completely different tale in game completion. The story of Witcher 2 was incredibly deep, and I’ve heard it’s much the same with the third iteration. With this, I’m not really sure what’s stopping me. Is it fear? Is it the thought of being completely overwhelmed? Is it a lack of time? Is it my review schedule? Is it me making a lot of excuses? Eh, probably all of the above.
If I do decide to tackle this next strategy guide, aptly named The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition Collector’s Guide, then I will have to fully commit. No more slacking. No more putting off reviews. Once I sit down with The Witcher 3, there is no getting up. There is no stopping for something else. There is no looking for what else is shiny and new. I will play it until I finish it or die trying.
I may have just talked myself out of playing this game once again. I’m the worst.
I may end up with 2 Witcher 3 guides too. heh
Just DO it. Its a Good game, Witcher 3 ! As for guide I am also looking forward to it !