This weekend I pretty much played LEGO Marvel’s Avengers nonstop to get the story mode complete as well as a few insights into the extras LEGO games are known for, all in the name of meeting an embargo for a review tomorrow morning. I need the strategy guide for this game, people. I need it so very badly. There isn’t just one hub world in this game; there are around 6 or 7. Sixish hub worlds with various collectibles, including the massive number of Gold Bricks.
The largest hub world is Manhattan, and my radar lit up with what seemed to be a thousand (but really is about 150) blips for Gold Bricks. Too much. It’s all too much! I didn’t even try to get a single Gold Brick in any hub world. I ran around to see what was available, freaked out, and then jumped back into a story mission.
The sad thing is that I thought Manhattan WAS the hub world. It was the hub in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, so it makes sense to have it return in Avengers. But then I pressed the touchpad button on the PS4 controller, and the prompt, “Go to space?” popped up. Space? Why would I go to space? Maybe Wheatley is there or something. I’ll go check. Then I beam to space and see the entire fucking Earth, where all of the story missions, including the secret ones (yes, there are secret story missions) and hub worlds are in fast travel view. Each hub world also has Stan Lees to rescue, Gold Bricks to find, character tokens to unlock, and Red Bricks. There’s a reason why I never achieved 100% in LEGO Batman 2 or LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. As much as I want to here, I’m not sure I will.
At least I won’t without the LEGO Marvel’s Avengers strategy guide to help me. And by help me I mean hold my hand and show me where every single one of those ever-loving Gold Bricks are, how to find Stan Lee, where every character token is hiding, and how to earn every single Achievement/Trophy. Oh right, and where do I unlock certain vehicles and character creation elements? Yes, even pieces to create new characters are locked as collectibles, Goddammit.
I’m ready for you, LEGO Marvel’s Avengers strategy guide. Please don’t let me down. I don’t want to set you on fire on YouTube.
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