The first comic series for The Witcher was the best comic series based upon a video game series, but it’s been trumped (for now) by The Witcher: Fox Children. Every issue continues to build a great narrative, suspense, and do what The Witcher has always done best: make you wonder who really are the monsters. Issue #4 is the penultimate issue of the series, and does not disappoint. I’m afraid the big disappointment in the series will come next month, when it ends.
I know that Geralt of Rivia can’t die, because these comics take place before the third game, but it doesn’t mean I’m not on edge wondering what the Vulpess will do to these people next. Geralt is trapped on the boat with these idiots, and the Vulpess doesn’t know or care which of them took her cub; all she knows is that her cub is on board. She doesn’t know (yet) that her cub is dead, which is sure to make her all the more pleasant.
Geralt and company finally break free from her illusions, so she sends wildlife after them instead. Forget watching Jurassic World or any other movie from the Jurassic Park series; just watch mythical monsters tear apart intruders. As Geralt so eloquently says while two T-Rexes two animals tear an unfortunate soul apart, “Watch as man’s ‘civilized’ nature goes up against the wild of the swamp. And get a lesson in how the wild always wins in the end.” That’s all of the Jurassic Park movies to a T, isn’t it? It’s so fitting for this issue to release now, just a few weeks after Jurassic World released in the theatres.
You also have to love Geralt’s quotation marks around “civilized” as he speaks. These men are anything but civilized; so ready to turn on one another to survive, turn on an elf just because she’s an elf, and dump a body because it’s no longer useful to them. Geralt seems to think that the Vulpess won’t care who killed her cub, and she’ll simply exact revenge upon all of them just for being there. Sadly, I’ll have to wait a whole other month to find out.
Damn this series is so great.
I admit that maybe it’s not fair to say that these comics are the best video game-based comics ever, as the game is based upon a series of books, but I stand by my statement. Both comic series are just so darn amazing, and Fox Children blows Glass Mansion out of the water (pun intended). I can’t say this enough; if you’re a fan of The Witcher anything, pick up this series. Or wait until the whole collection releases, that’s fine too, but buy this and read it. Read the crap out of it.
Digital review copy received from publisher.
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