Well, I’ve caught a cold. It’s been bad enough that it has knocked me out of action for the last few days. While some might see this as a bummer, I see it as an opportunity to just veg out on video games. While I should be playing Bloodbourne to work on this sexy new strategy guide I have for review, I’m stuck in an addiction vortex known as Destiny.
Getting back into Destiny was an odd circumstance. One night a few weeks ago, I was playing Grand Theft Auto V with one of my brothers and we noticed another brother (I have four brothers) playing Destiny. We joined up on a party chat and began talking crap to one another. Eventually, we switched out from GTA to join our lone Vex hunting bro.
Well, this opened an addiction. I don’t know what changed from when I first played Destiny, but it’s got its hooks in me right now. I’ve since bought both expansions and have taken my character from level 20 to 30. I admit it, I’m having a ton of fun. I’m even getting to game with Blake now.
I think what makes this so entertaining for me is playing with brothers I rarely ever see. Also, being able to play a game with Blake is rather nice since we no longer podcast on a weekly basis. I essentially finish doing Destiny stuff with my brother(s) and about that time Blake will jump on. While it’s not the same as sitting on the couch, drinking adult beverages, and joking around, it’s close enough.
So here I sit. I’m hopped up on cold meds, drowning my body in orange juice, and getting so sick of chicken noodle soup. Yet, when House of Wolves released yesterday, I got to enjoy a 12-hour marathon of Destiny goodness. I must be delusional, however, as I think my PS4 just turned itself on. I think I’m gonna go see if it needs company. Now where did I leave that DayQuil bottle?
Take Care and get well soon !