We took a fairly unplanned trip to visit my family over the Easter holiday because my sister had her baby a couple of weeks earlier than she planned. Earlier than she planned as in she had a scheduled c-section due to her first child drama and then her blood pressure caused her to have her second child sooner than even that. Good news is that new baby is all precious and happy and healthy. And super tiny. I got my tiny baby fix and happily handed her off to her mother when she got super cranky.
I debated bringing any electronics for gaming this trip as I am reviewing Axiom Verge for work and I have Majora’s Mask that I still haven’t touched. My eldest asked if I would pack up the PS4 in the GAEMS so he could play some LEGO Batman 3. I went back and forth in my thinking, and I ultimately decided to bring no games whatsoever on the trip. The GAEMS stayed home, the 3DS stayed home, and the Vita stayed home. I brought my Surface only because I may need to work while I was at my parents’ house, and the Surface has zero games on it.
At first I was afraid I would twitch from the lack of gaming, but it was nice to not have any pressure at all to play. And honestly, we were so busy the entire time, I’m not sure when I could have played.
My Mom and I did teach the eldest child how to play Go Fish!, and that was more fun than any of my video games could have been. Once he got the hang of it, he did not want to stop playing, even when he lost! That’s a huge deal for this kiddo, who unfortunately got my perfectionist streak with games and rage quits with his 3DS more quickly than I do with nearly anything else. When he noticed it got harder the more people who played, he also noticed it got way more fun! It made me so happy to have fun with him playing cards. I can’t wait to teach him Uno or Skip-Bo next.
But now we’re back in town, and that means back to the grind. I’m already in the process of setting up a meeting with my boss for this afternoon (night his time) and planning out my reviews and articles for the week. Getting out of the routine was nice for a few days at least, but I think if I delay working on the strategy guide for Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, I’ll have to get down on my knees and beg for forgiveness from Prima Games when I visit them at E3 this year. That and I’m getting the agonizing twitches of guilt from not finishing something I should have. I’m crazy, I totally admit.
I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter holiday!
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