There used to be a time when new video game releases were far and few between. Now, however, it seems you can’t go a week without having something ranging from some small unknown indie title to a major AAA game release. There is so many new shinies coming out, it’s becoming a pain in the rear to even keep up with it all.
So what does this have to do with me, well, a lot. My plate of video game entertainment is like sitting down at Thanksgiving and having a huge buffet of gourmet food spread out in front of me, and I have no idea where to begin. Seriously, I have Mortal Kombat X to perfect. I have an enormous amount of exploring to do in Elite: Dangerous. I’ve barely scratched the surface of Pillars of Eternity. I’ve replaced my Diablo 3 addiction with Marvel Heroes 2015. I still owe Keri an actual completed run at Dragon Age: Origins. I still play Grand Theft Auto V with my brother. I still want to dig into all things Bloodborne. Seriously, I think I’m good for a few months.
It’s a good thing I don’t follow the video game industry too closely, or I’d probably lose my mind! I’m sad that we probably won’t have a lot of strategy guides to review due to delays and whatnot. Yet, when I look at the travel schedule for the next five months, I’m glad I’m not really adding any new games to the mile high pile I already have. I am honestly content with what I have at the moment!
At some point, we started to only focus on games for a week and then something new and shiny would come out. You know what? I’m happy with my current situation. I want to enjoy every bit of the games I have currently. I don’t really need something new to dive into. Sure, a lot of these games are now “old” by these new standards we have today, but I don’t care. I’m having fun!
And really, isn’t fun what it’s all about? Yeah, I’m good for the summer. I don’t need any more distractions. If you need me, you can find me in my space ship playing MKX while stealing cars with my level 60 Ghost Rider soaked in the blood of the fallen people who needed to die because they talked to me the wrong way. I am Vlad the Heartless after all.
And if Witcher 3’s on your radar as well, I think you’ll be set for the next two seasons 😉