The last couple of weeks have been a little insane for me at work. As I ended the week with turning in my review for Pillars of Eternity, I talked with my boss on Friday about working on Life is Strange over the weekend so I could get that review done. He ordered me to take off the weekend.
I looked at my workload. Yeah, I need to review the second episode of Life is Strange for work, and I also need to review the strategy guides for Final Fantasy Type-0 HD and Pillars of Eternity. But I need some sanity time first.
You know what I still haven’t done yet with Diablo 3? Gotten my Platinum trophies.
And that is what I did during all of my game time this weekend: played Diablo 3 on the PS3 to farm that gold. I’m at 2.6 million, so I’m over the halfway hump. With the armor my Barbarian has, and the ring that will occasionally summon a Treasure Goblin to appear, I think it will happen this summer if I can keep devoting time. I may just make Fridays my official Platinum Trophy day to work on any games I need to Platinum, unless I have a review I really need to work on for work.
I have to say, it was really nice to game just to game and not for any review, even if it is a game I’ve played countless times. I also would like to finish Dragon Age Inquisition sometime this year, not to mention several other games I started but never finished last year. However, this was about taking a break with something familiar and relaxing. I can’t imagine a better game to do that with.
But the weekend is over, so it’s back to work. My goal is to get Final Fantasy Type-0 HD done this week, which shouldn’t be too hard with only 2-3 chapters left. I have to admit that I wept a little bit looking through the guide and seeing everything I missed in the earlier chapters. I suppose that means I’ll just have to play again sometime.
06 Pneumonia 8 people, 47 taking lasix but not peeing much If you have questions on the dilution formula come back and we can discuss that as well