I’m not a New Year’s Resolutions kind of person. I’ve tried it once, and it didn’t really end well. Instead, I’m more of a goals fan. With goals, I easily come up with smaller achievements that help complete the end goal I set out to do. Also, at the end of the year I can look at all the steps I knocked out along the way, and regardless if that goal is done or not, I feel confident I honestly worked at making things happen. With that, I have some goals I am hoping to achieve for SGR this year.
Produce a better video/podcast
I know the SGR Coffee Break is just getting going, but I’d like to make it better. I’d like to improve the video and audio quality, and that will take some work to iron out. I’m aiming to come up with a consistent intro. I hope we can also release an SGR Coffee Break every week, even when one of us are traveling. This of course means that Keri and I will need to try and create a bit of a surplus of these, but it shouldn’t be too hard to do.
Finish strategy guides quicker
I carried over one guide review from 2014. I’m not doing my best at knocking it out either. THANKS ELITE: DANGEROUS! However, I would like to keep my backlog of guides to a minimum, all while providing solid reviews. I will have work harder at shunning the new shiny to make this happen, but having unfinished guides judging me while I play something else is a bit unnerving. Dang guides are so judgmental…and evil.
Keep SGR a place that celebrates all things video games
While I can’t control Keri and what she boots out the door for the readers, I hope to keep my articles positive, even in unhappy/drama ridden times. There are enough places on the Internet that spew vile and hate, and I don’t want my stuff on SGR to be the same. I plan to keep my articles focused on the things I enjoy about this industry. Yeah, I’m sure I’ll still have to judge a bad strategy guide here or there, but I feel there is a way to creatively criticize without being mean about it.
Platinum a LEGO game
Right, this one is more for me, but what the heck. I’ve never achieved platinum status in a LEGO game, and I hope to do that this year. I need to figure out which of the many LEGO titles I want to attempt this with, but they all seem pretty fun in some form. Maybe I can even document my progress towards getting that shiny trophy!
So there are my goals for SGR in 2015. Nothing overly complicated, but they all require some effort. Here is to a strong, and glorious, 2015!
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