I’ve gotten on a Platinum trophy kick lately with games. I don’t really care about my GamerScore on Xbox Live, but for whatever reason, I really want those Platinum trophies. I’m not sure if it’s how shiny they are or if I simply like the idea of trophies better than Achievements, but I’m all in if I think I can get that beautiful piece of virtual platinum.
The latest pursuit has been for Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments, a game I was meh about when I saw it at E3 and then fell in love with it when a review code fell in my lap. One thing I will say about this Platinum trophy list is that it is possible to get all of the trophies your first time to play as long as you’re willing to take your time, possibly compromise your moral decisions, and reach all of the right conclusions. Otherwise, you’ll be replaying the cases.
From just my first playthrough, I was only missing three trophies, which therefore made my path to Platinum all the easier. All I had left to do was reach every single conclusion possible (something I didn’t do as I was rushing through the game), max out the personality alignment, and win all of the final scene QTEs. If you don’t pick arresting the culprit for each case, you won’t get to see all of the final QTEs. If you don’t pick arresting the culprit for each case, then you won’t max out your personality alignment either.
Fortunately for me, I only had to replay each case once, and I didn’t have to finish the last case entirely. As soon as I reached a conclusion I didn’t make last time, the trophies dinged in, I danced around my office in glee, and then I quit the game.
Now that that distraction is out of the way, I can focus on what I’m supposed to be working on, like Assassin’s Creed Unity, strategy guides for Skylanders Trap Team, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, and Sunset Overdrive, and maybe Dragon Age: Origins. Or maybe I’ll just work on my Platinum pursuit for Diablo 3 on the PS3; I only have 2.8 million more gold to go!
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