Because I’m part masochist and part optimist (at times), I bought the Vita version of LEGO The Hobbit in the hopes once again that maybe they’ll go back to the traditional formula for LEGO games with handhelds. I’m pleased to report that while they have continued their challenge model for the handheld versions, the handheld version for LEGO The Hobbit isn’t as awful as it has been in the past.
One of the biggest problems I’ve had with the handheld LEGO games as of late is that they have time trials as part of the challenges. LEGO games have always been about taking your time to explore and smash all the things, not burn through a level as fast as you can. These time trials put stress on games that have never, ever been about stress. LEGO The Hobbit still employs these time trials, but they aren’t in every level. In fact, many of the levels and challenges really do focus on exploration.
Unfortunately, you can still die or get a Game Over penalty, forcing you to restart a level. One level requires a bit of stealth, and if you fail at any time, you get to do the whole level over again. Any challenges you completed are forfeit as well, so get used to starting from scratch quite a bit.
It’s a step in the right direction, but I really hope they forgo this model completely soon. Although, I guess why would they do that when I continue to fork over my money to them?
I really do need that T-shirt that says, “I’m part of the problem.”
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