Yes, I’m back again asking for donations. You may be wondering why since I’ve made my initial goal of $200. I want to meet my stretch goal (borrowing some Kickstarter terms now) of $500 to donate to Children’s Medical Center of Dallas. I’ve already begged from my family and close friends, so now I am turning to all of you for additional donations, even if those donations are only $10. Of course, as part of my thanks for donating, I’m going to hold a contest I believe will make a few of you happy.
Every SGR donor will be automatically entered into a contest for a free strategy guide of YOUR CHOICE. I will randomly select a donor, and that donor can pick between one of the following four strategy guides that will be releasing around the time of Extra Life (November 2nd):
- LEGO Marvel Heroes
- Battlefield 4
- Assassin’s Creed IV
- Batman: Arkham Origins
You can let me know that you’re entering this competition in one of two ways–leave a comment here with your full name letting me know you donated or leave a SGR comment with your donation.
For every $10 you donate, that will count as one entry. So if you donate $20, that counts as two entries, $30 is three entries, etc. etc. etc.
And whether you donate or not, be sure to vote on what I will be playing during my 25 hours! The poll for my current backlog is in the sidebar to the right.
Thank you all so much for your support for my first Extra Life marathon!
Yes. Donate, donate, donate! It’s for a good cause..:)
I’m on it ! It’s a good cause and I need some more strategy guides !
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