Fuse is done, I’m wrapping up Remember Me as fast as I can (as this game is NOT fun, unfortunately), and I’m finally going to wrap up Resistance 2 this week. Animal Crossing: New Leaf is slowly taking over my life, but it’s something I play for about 30 minutes at a time, usually while cooking dinner or eating lunch. A staffer is taking care of The Last of Us for me (thank youuuu very much), so I have nothing on my schedule until either Thing 2 is born or Saints Row IV releases, whichever happens first. So how shall I fill in the void?
I went to my sad stack of shame and picked three time-consuming RPGs that I really want to play or get rid of entirely. But which one shall I play? I’m leaving it up to all of you to tell me!
The three on my list are Skyrim, Dragon Age: Origins, and Dragon’s Dogma–and I swear I was not consciously picking games relating to dragons. The only one I’ve started is DAO, and I’m about halfway, maybe a little over halfway, through. I’ll probably have to start a new character, relearn the system, and then go back to where I left off. I’ve never played any part of Skyrim or DD.
Please note that picking one does not mean I’m going to toss the other two. I just want some input on which to work on first (or in the case of DAO, finish).
The poll is in the sidebar for everyone, and feel free to comment here and let me know why you think I should play one game over the other. I’m eager to get one of these off my stack of shame! I’ve actually made good progress with my stack this year, and the more I can finish before the next-gen releases, the better; in other words, if I don’t finish them before the next-gen launches, the likelihood I do finish them drops severely.
I look forward to seeing what everyone says I should play next!
Definitely hit up Skyrim first. The game is deep, engaging, and the difficulty is perfect. Dragon’s Dogma is a great game, and will activate your Dark/Demon Souls tastebuds, but it has a steep learning curve, so be forewarned…
Definitely Skyrim. You won’t need another game for a while.