Usually with strategy guides, I know what I expect a strategy guide to contain based on the genre of the game alone. In the case of shooters like Gears of War: Judgment, I’d say that I would expect its corresponding strategy guide to have detailed maps for collectibles and that the written strategy would contain heads-up points for ambushes that include which enemies are participating in the attack. For example, something like:
Take cover as soon as you round the corner, as Grenadiers will approach from the south doorway. On higher difficulties, expect at least one or two Theron Guards to join in.
However, with Gears of War: Judgment, I can’t expect anything like that at all thanks to the game’s “smart spawn” system, which will literally spawn random enemies at random points on the map. People Can Fly implemented this system so that on Normal and higher difficulties, players can’t simply memorize the level and traverse through it from simply learning it. Instead, every time a player dies, the map will reset, and the player will get ambushed at a different spot and possibly by a different group of enemies. In other words, you can’t formulate a solid strategy every time you enter an area. Players will have to rely on their skills to get through each room, which for people like me, who have little patience, kind of sucks.
I can only imagine how difficult this was for the strategy guide writer(s). And as such, I have no idea what to expect out of the written strategy.
Oh I expect maps with collectibles, and there better be a section that helps you unlock all of the stars so you can unlock the hidden second campaign. Of course, I expect a section that offers tips on earning all of the Achievements as well. But as for the written walkthrough for the main campaign, that has me really curious how it could be phrased.
Will it go over all possible scenarios for each map? For each difficulty level, too? Will the maps be littered with all potential ambush points?
My mind is absolutely boggled, and it has been ever since I met with Epic Games and People Can Fly last E3 (yes, I admit that now when I hear about new games, I start thinking of the possible strategy guide).
I may not get my copy of the strategy guide until after I return from PAX East on Sunday, so my mind will have to stay boggled for awhile longer, dang it. I can’t wait to see it, both the guide and the game!
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