Well my week has been downright craptastic. Why don’t I see how I can make your week fantastic? How does a strategy guide giveaway sound for an AUTOGRAPHED copy of the Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City strategy guide? As fate would have it, I have two to give away.
Strategy guide writer extraordinaire Dan Birlew sent two autographed copies of his latest strategy guide just for all of you. I know the reviews for the game have been bad, but Dan, who is a HUGE Resident Evil fan, had a lot of fun with the game. He even wrote down what he loved about it, in case you would like to see another perspective on it.
So what does this have to do with the contest? Simple. Tell me in the comments why you will buy or have bought this game despite the poor reviews. The most creative answers will go in a drawing. And yes, I do promise that there will be a drawing. You have until 3 p.m. CST on Friday afternoon (today) to post.
If you win, be sure to thank Dan, won’t you? He has a handy contact form on his website and he can be harassed on Twitter.
Why wouldn’t I buy it when I know that I can pay to unlock plenty of awesome content that is already on the disc, a few months from now? I mean, that is how Capcom rolls…
But in all seriousness I am curious to see how much more accessible the Resident Evil world is without the crappy tank controls. My bet is if nothing else, it will be a good guilty pleasure
I’ll buy it because it is a classic series, if I didn’t try it just because of bad reviews I would feel wrong inside. So even if critics were right I would buy this game it just must be played.
I like Resident Evil, and have ever since the first game. I like the films and everything. I don’t and never have let reviews deter me from getting something I want. Everyone’s opinions are different and a review is just the opinion of the person or people reviewing the game. Everyone thinks differently. I have read and watched a few reviews out of curiosity but that didn’t make any difference to me, I am still getting it…in fact I already have it 🙂 I actually find the game to be fun, which is he one thing I look for in a game…fun! 😀 As I said I am a Resident Evil fan and wouldn’t let a review stop me from getting the newest game in the series.
I played this during ny comic con I had a blast playing with my friends. Despite the low score, I love the fact that it’s set in Raccoon City and you can play or kill the RE characters.
Review score don’t really mean much to me because I believe that you have to personally play the game to know how its like. I will buy this and I will probably look for the CE since I’m a sucker for them
I have always been a resident evil fan, I have beat them all and I intend to beat raccoon city. Times are a little tougher this year so I have not been able to buy it yet (had to long-term borrow Twisted Metal and Darkness 2 for review purposes) but I plan to get it next week regardless of review scores.
I beat RE 1-3 multiple times, bought them on PSN and beat them again. Bought two versions of RE5 just to get two sets of platinum trophies for the game and I’d that’s possible I will eventually do the same for this game if that’s possible. I think I will buy pretty much any resident evil related game except the one on 3DS only because I do not own a 3DS.
I remember re5 not getting good reviews either but that did not stop be from immensely enjoying it with the awesome co op mode and this one is supposed to have co op too so I cannot wait to get it!
Regardless of reviews, I am a HUGE fanatic of the Resident Evil series. Although it has had harsh criticism lately with RE5 not “meeting expectations”, a true fan always enjoys the game. Hence, me having preordered Operation Raccoon City. Also in the works of preordering Resident Evil 6 🙂
I might buy it simply because of the fantastic short story Dan wrote on his blog:
Very cool! I wish games did more of that style stuff.
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