Check out what the FedEx deliveryman brought me! It’s the Portal 2 Collector’s Edition Strategy Guide fresh from FuturePress, and it looks fantastic.
I wasn’t sure if I was going to get a review copy or not, so I picked up the regular edition at my local Best Buy since the CE is easily available in the US. My eagerness in picking up a guide is your gain! If you want a free copy of the Portal 2 strategy guide (regular edition), then leave a comment here on this post explaining how much you love the Portal Universe.
Wow, that is one sexy looking book. I may have to consider running out and buying that.
Do I need to quote the complete Cave Johnson or Fact Sphere to prove my worthiness? Portal is awesome. Portal 2 moreso. Now, back to work on the combustible lemons.
The cover is so cute!
Chris, the CE guide is not easily available in the US.
That is an awesome looking guide with amazing artwork. I would love to get my hands on it!
Wow that’s a great guide. And until I figure out some way of extracting and selling my gasoline blood, I can’t possibly afford it…
Never played one of these games so far, but I heard and read awesome reports about it. I am damn interested.
And though I am open for everything video-game related, I most definitely would love to check it out (both Parts though of course) and already planned it in my next shopping-tour. And having a first help with a guide would surely be awesome too. 😉
this would be great for the times when i get stumped and want to rip my hair out
I can’t think of another game more deserving to have this effort and detail put into their Strategy Guide. The collector’s edition is gorgeous and I want one with all my heart and soul!
The guide looks sweeeet! Portal 2 is the type of game though, where the fun is all in hitting that eureka! moment and working out the puzzle.
Guide stills looks as though it is full of awesome source though 🙂
I may spend the next 6 months trying to finish Portal 2 without this guide so help me!
Apologies to not making a comment about this here, but this giveaway contest is over. I’m sure I will have others, so check back soon!
Hello, and welcome to the Aperture Science Enrichment Center. We are currently experiencing technical difficulties, due to circumstances of potentially apolycalyptic significance beyond our control. I loved portal 2 and would love a strategy guide!