I am going to assume from the lackluster number of votes that most of you aren’t into RPGs like I am. My prediction for the poll would have been Dragon Age 2, and I think I’m still right in that prediction, just from the number of tweets I’ve seen. ๐
But that’s old news. Let’s refocus on this week.
Last week, the new Kingdom Hearts game released, Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded, which is a remake of a series of phone-only games released in Japan in 2008. I picked it up on launch day like the die-hard KH fan I am, but I didn’t get a chance to play it until the weekend (had to finish Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box). I didn’t have high hopes for the game (it’s not really based off the main story, which at least the last few games were), but I wasn’t prepared for my personal disappointment with how ridiculous the storyline is. At least it’s about Sora (sort of) so I’ll be able to go through it anyway without too much whining.
However, this game made me think about KH fans’ issues with the last several games since KH2, and sadly, it just reinforces everyone’s negative feelings. So I wonder if anyone is even excited about this game, considering that there wasn’t much enthusiasm for the last two handheld games and it’s well known that this game has nothing to do with the main story. Let me know how you feel to the right.
As a note to Square Enix, please get a move on with KH3. If there will not be a KH3, then stop teasing us (ending to KH:BBS) and stop making random games with the KH universe slapped on it. Thank you.
BbS deserves far more credit than it will ever get. It’s pretty much KH3 in a smaller package. I have mixed feelings on the DS games, however, and re:Coded looks like a blatant cash-in. It recycles too much and waters it all down on the DS. I watched all the cutscenes on YouTube (bad, I know…). The “hidden movie” this time was intriguing (and ties into KH 3DS), so if that sort of thing keeps you playing, it’s something to consider.
I agree that BBS didn’t get enough credit. I absolutely loved that game. And yes, this game was a blatant cash-in off the success of KH2, and it definitely plays like it was. However, it’s a pretty detailed for a phone game from 2008.
I am glad to hear that they’ve added some nods toward future games. Very cool.