This week’s poll topic is one of extreme importance to me as of late, and it’s become even more important since midnight December 1st.
I have a ginormous stack of shame, and I really am ashamed of it. I always mean to finish my games, and if I know I’m not going to finish it, I sell it. So why don’t I finish some games? I can get burned out on a game if it’s exceptionally long or difficult, and at other times, I get distracted by something newer. I always say that when the releases slow down, I’ll pick back up a game from the stack of shame and finish it.
It doesn’t happen very often, unfortunately.So each year, I try to set an end of the year goal for a game in my stack. In 2008, it was Kingdom Hearts 2 and Twilight Princess. Only KH2 was finished. I sadly don’t remember what the goal was for 2009, so either I didn’t set one or I didn’t complete it. This year though, I set my goal very early. After putting in 55 hours into Final Fantasy XIII in about two weeks, I HAD to stop playing. I needed something else, and luckily for me, NIER filled that void very nicely. However, as I really want to finish FFXIII, I’ve set aside December as the month I’m not going to play any other game besides FFXIII unless it’s for review.
I shamefully haven’t started this yet because I decided I wanted to finish Ys Seven first, which I did on Thursday. I’ve taken a small break from games since, as I normally do after I finish one, and now I’m ready to jump back into the world of Cocoon and Pulse on Monday. I’m on the second to last chapter, so surely that means I only have 20-30 hours to go. I wonder how long it’s going to take me to get back into the battle system habit. Ugh, and the long boss fights. Why do I play RPGs again?
So as much as I’m loving Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, I’m putting it on hold for a little bit. At least I’m not too far into the game so I won’t have to reteach myself much when I play again. As a result, this site may be really stagnant for a little bit in terms of strategy guide discussion. Expect video game rants and random discussions about things that may or may not be strategy guide related instead.
I obviously hope to finish all of the games I play, but if the game turns out to be a bore then I have no problems bailing on it. For games I like, sometimes it’s a lack of time that gets to me. Other times the difficulty ramps up so much that I become frustrated and step aside. I would say that I finish most of the games I play, or at least finish the main storyline (stuff like challenge modes, sidequests, and add-on DLC not included).