A majority of you appear to not really care about the Kinect at all. I’m going to guess it’s due to their lackluster launch library, lack of desire to play with motion controls, or a combination of the two. Either way, I’m going to ride this train just a little longer and ask which has your vote: the Kinect or the Move?
Thanks to my hubby, I now own a PlayStation Move, but I haven’t played with it (other than to make fun of its lollipop top) once. I have zero interest in Sports Champions, and I believe that the only other Move-compatible game I own is Heavy Rain. I want to play HR with the Move, but well you know, the Fall has happened. Been a little busy on the game front.
I’m looking forward to Sorcery next year, but I have to admit that I’m a little afraid for the Move. My Wii has been gathering dust for awhile now, something I doubt will change since I’m not into any of the retro games games coming out except for Zelda, which will be next year. I’m afraid that the Move will suffer a similar fate in my home and several others, and then despite Sony’s best intentions, the Move will be left to family games and shovelware. Hopefully it can get other games like Sorcery in the making.
I’ve made it no secret that I’m not interested in the Kinect since my experience with it at E3. However, this doesn’t mean that some game won’t come out that will absolutely captivate me. But then two other games just as enticing will have to come out, because I do my best not to buy consoles ($150 is close to console price) for just one game.
Besides, why would I really be interested in either? There are no strategy guides out yet for these games!
We picked up the Move instead of Kinect based mainly on the fact that Move will be usable with hardcore titles in the future, whereas Microsoft seems to want Kinect (aka-Eye Toy 3.0) to remain pretty casual. The problem is not all gamers are into casual titles and those who would perhaps pick it up and rarely use it have been turned off by the sheer amount of space it requires. We live in an apartment, on the second floor. We don’t have 7 feet of space to dedicate, plus we can’t be jumping up and down on the floor as it would cause issues with the people below us. Add to that the fact the games are too expensive for what they are (Sony has a great price point for their more casual Move titles) the Kinect just isn’t as attractive. I think in the long run, unless MS does something amazing, Kinect will end up going the way of the Wii in a lot of homes.