Okay, I know last week was a little nutty with it being the week before a holiday and then I took off due to a family emergency, but I know there are more people out there who read this blog than participated in last week’s poll. As a result, I’m running this poll a little longer.
I finished DeathSpank on Saturday night when I returned to town, so I’m currently only playing one game, Ys Seven, for review purposes, but soon I will have Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep to review at the same time and of course, I’m ready to start some Red Dead Redemption.
So come on, vote even if you only play one game at a time.
Ummmm… do I have to count games that I’ve started over the last decade and are still sitting next to my computer/Xbox/Playstation in the vain hope that someday I will get back to them and finish? 😉
LOL, I have a similar stack. I’m mostly talking about games you are currently playing at once. Right now, I have Transformers: War for Cybertron, Red Dead Redemption, and Ys Seven but once Birth by Sleep releases tomorrow, that’s number four for me to rotate out. Oh and I’m supposed to be playing Symphony of the Night and there’s still all those lovely Achievements in LEGO Harry Potter for me to snag…