My first poll from last week was a lovely success, thanks so much to you readers. (But hellooooo, MidWest voters, where are you?) The end result was pretty much what I expected, and now I’m ready to get started on my Print vs. Online comparisons. First up will be the inFamous Strategy Guide by FuturePress.
But for this Monday, I have a new question for all of you that will kick off my post for TUESDAY. Do you buy Collector’s Editions of strategy guides?
I have to admit, that if there is a Collector’s Edition out for a guide of a series I love, I’ll buy it in a heartbeat. If the Collector’s Edition contains an artbook, then I’ll buy it even if I’m not going to play the game. This is not to say that I like Collector’s Editions more than “regular” editions, or that CEs are better. In fact, I’ve been burned by one CE guide (the subject of tomorrow’s post) in the past that soured my notion of ever getting a CE again. But then the strategy guide for Phantom Hourglass released with its gorgeous hardback cover, leather bookmark, and giant sea chart maps. You can safely assume I got back on the wagon.
I only have two Collector’s Editions strategy guides: MGS4’s and Fallout 3’s (regular, not GOTY). I purchased MGS4’s CE guide because I’m a Metal Gear fan. Fallout 3’s was due to the style — hardcover and printed with special paper inside that makes the whole guide really feel several notches above most guides in terms of presentation.