Bayonetta is fun. Crazy fun. Crazy over-the-top non-stop action fun. And it’s funny. Her poses, her comments, the way she walks…it’s all hilarious. But, two things are getting old for me. The big one is the quick-time events that plague every boss fight. I’ve died once for pretty much all of them because I couldn’t figure out the button combo quick enough. None of the events are that hard, they’re just getting tiresome. I’m missing some fantastic cut scenes because I keep scanning the screen for QTE triggers.
The second thing is the fighting. It’s hack-and-slash with flair. Your moves have to be deliberate and sometimes well planned out, and it often requires you to die once or twice to figure out what the new enemy has to bring to the table. While activating the Witch Time ability and slowing down time never gets boring, I’m getting tired of the formula of walk around, massive enemy fight, unlock seal, walk again, massive enemy fight, cut scene, unlock seal, boss fight, and finish with QTE. Granted, most action games have the same formula. NIER certainly did. There it was run around and kill things, run back, run somewhere else, boss fight. And as for Final Fantasy XIII, well, there’s a definite pattern there as well. Maybe I’m just extra sensitive to such patterns right now since I’ve played two, now three, games back-to-back with distinct patterns.
At least it’s fun, so it doesn’t seem like a complete chore. I’m also hooked on the story, and it presents a really interesting point of view of angels and witches. If I do indeed play Darksiders next, I may have more of my fill of angels to last me a lifetime.
I also have to say that the feminists out there who are crying out that Bayonetta exploits women have obviously not played a second of this game. Want to know what I’m talking about? You’ll have to play it for yourself.
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