As I write this, I’m downloading Final Fantasy VIII onto my PSPgo, which will most likely become yet another Final Fantasy game I will not finish. I always mean to finish them. I get really far in them and then I hit the level grinding, sidequest portions, get bored and quit. Now that I think about it, I have no idea how I finished Lost Odyssey.
But anyway, this got me to thinking about the one game that I most regret not finishing, which is a PC game, King’s Quest VI. This game came with my brand new computer that I purchased with high school graduation money to take with me to college. We had a computer at this time, but it was ungodly old and pathetic, so the capabilities on my new Compaq blew me away. It had 400 MB of hard drive space AND had a CD-ROM. I was in the big leagues.
I had seen the original King’s Quest on a friend’s computer years earlier, but I had no idea that the game was a franchise until I picked up my new computer. I absolutely ate up that game. I even got my dorm roommate so hooked on it that she bought her own copy. We would race against one another (in all our spare time) to try to get further than the other, but we would still offer tips on how to get past certain areas. Please bear in mind that this was before everyone had Internet access (no one had access in the dorms) and the Internet that was out there was not as informative as it is today.
I got made fun of for being a gamer by my boyfriend and his friends, so the game got put away and I never finished it. A few years later, I started to date a guy who liked PC games a little, so I introduced the game to him. I started from scratch and got all the way to the part where I’m supposed to figure out how to get to the Underworld. I never, ever figured that out. Again, there was no GameFAQs back then. My boyfriend asked if he could borrow the game and try on his own, and I let him. Then we had a messy breakup, and I never got my game back. When I asked about it, he said he gave it back to me and that was that.
So I never got to reunite Alexander with the Princess of the Green Isles. I know I was so close as well, and that burns me up the most. I had completely forgotten about this game until recently, GameInformer listed their top 200 videogames ever, and King’s Quest VI made the list. Seeing it on the magazine page brought back my sad feelings of loss.
I need to somehow find this game. I looked on Amazon, but the King’s Quest Collection for Windows XP does not include King’s Quest VI. I suppose my next step is to comb through emulators. No matter what I have to do, this is one game I must find and finish.
I really wish I had finished The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Something about it just lacked that certain spark, and by the time I made it to the point where I had to go to the snow area, I was just drained. I keep saying I’ll get back to it someday, but I keep putting it off and now I don’t even remember what I was supposed to do next. Oh well. Can’t beat ’em all.