No seriously, I do.
I listen to gaming podcasts during my morning bike rides. The constant talk helps take my mind off of the grueling path I force myself to go on almost every morning and it keeps me up to speed in the gaming world (not that my jobs with don’t do that as it is, but it’s nice to hear other opinions). Sometimes, the guys on the podcasts will go all fanboy for a game, and the talk gets me excited about it and I run out and buy it. So far, the podcast-sucker tactic has been successful. It was what made me give inFamous a chance, buy Muramasa: The Demon Blade, and more recently, pick up Uncharted 2.
Well, saying that about Uncharted 2 is a lie. As of today, thanks to the GameInformer podcast, I picked up Dragon Age: Origins today.
I am well aware of how weak this makes me, especially when considering that DA’s presence at E3 this year did not impress me at all. I edited quite a few frothing previews from that showing, and I didn’t get what they were all excited about. The story always intrigued me, but the game’s presentation seemed to be less than desirable. But I couldn’t help myself hearing three guys go all Lord of the Rings nerdy on the podcast about how great DA was. Then they compared it to Knights of the Old Republic and I was sold. That was the game that if I had had an Xbox back then, that game would have been on my shelf. I loved reading everything about it and lamented each day it didn’t come to the PS2.
So how in the world am I going to handle this game when I haven’t even found time to play Uncharted 2 in over a week and Assassin’s Creed 2 comes out next week? I have no idea, but I don’t want to get bogged down in the details. I mapped out which games I really want that are coming out next year (after next week, this year will be done for me, game-wise) and I think I have plenty of time to do it all. I don’t have another game on my list until February (And then two will release! Arrrgh!) so I think that’s enough time to complete 2 action games and get one RPG well underway.
Don’t ask how Final Fantasy X will enter in this mix, because I don’t have an answer. As long as I finish it before Final Fantasy XIII comes out, I’ll be happy. And if I don’t, I think Final Fantasy XIII will help me get over it.
That’s like me and manga blogs. I just keep getting books, and no time to read them, much less write these days. *sigh*