I have wanted to play Scribblenauts since I first heard about it at E3. A few friends have poked at me to pick it up, but I really don’t have much time to play games without guides. Gotta keep reviewing! After a day of Tweets about how awesome Scribblenauts is, I did a quick Amazon search for a guide. Surely there isn’t a guide for a puzzle game. I mean, I haven’t done the research for it, but I’m positive there wasn’t a guide for Professor Layton outside of GameFAQs. Wouldn’t a guide spoil the game a bit?
I was wrong and right at the same time. There is a guide for Scribblenauts, so I visited Gamestop, turned in my store credit and a gift card, and picked up the game and guide. After playing for an hour or two, I’m going to have to put away the guide and then come back to it after completing some levels, because I was right in that it does spoil the game a bit.
The whole point of Scribblenauts is to challenge your imagination. If one uses the guide throughout the game, how is that challenging anything? That said, I don’t think the guide is a waste of money so far. It gives really good suggestions and even provides off the wall ideas for completing a puzzle. I think it would be great to use the guide when trying to master levels and you just can’t think of any other objects to summon outside of one or two.
Speaking of which, I hear it calling me. I need to get as much completed on it as I can before next Tuesday. Hehehehehe.
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