I have somewhat of a love/hate relationship with the Lost Odyssey strategy guide. I’ve been playing Lost Odyssey for what seems like an ungodly amount of time. My game clock says 65+ hours, but it seems like days longer than that. I’ve used the guide on and off during that time, mostly for help getting through the few maze-like dungeons (I just don’t have the patience for those) and treasure chest hunting. For the most part, the guide is helpful, but as much as it is helpful in some areas, it’s extremely unhelpful in others.
For example, most of the mini-games have few to no tips on how to complete them. For those who don’t know, I hate mini-games, so if I have to complete them for whatever reason, I need help just for the sake of my patience. This guide is just as helpful as the Kingdom Hearts 2 guide when it comes to the mini-games (meaning that it is most decidedly not). I also find the maps to be incomplete in some places. Sometimes not all of the treasure chests are marked, and they are even overlooked in the walkthrough. And it would be nice if the maps of the areas that include one-way roads with no return — such as ice slopes and mudslides — were clearly marked.
I actually have not been using the guide at all for the boss fights, so thus far, I have no commentary there. Perhaps I should give them a look-see before I hack out my final review.
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